Return Policy

If for any reason you are dissatisfied with any item(s) purchased from, simply contact us.

Customer Service Email:

We support 100% refund if you not receive items in 60 days.

Items that can be returned/refunded or exchanged within 7 days of receiving must follow the criteria as below:
1. Faulty items damaged/broken, or soiled upon arrival.
2. Items received in the incorrect size/color.
3. Unwashed, unworn, and unused item(s) that have not met your expectation within 7 days of receiving.

Contact our Support Center as soon as possible if you come across any of the above situations. Return the item for a full refund, only acceptable when the error is on Hipumps Part (1. Faulty items damaged/broken, or soiled upon arrival.
2. Items received in the incorrect size/color.). Otherwise, Hipumps will only initiate a partial refund (60% of the total order price, exclude the shipping fee), once we receive the original package.

We will not accept returns in the following conditions:
1. Items outside the 7 days warranty time-frame.
2. Washed, worn, used, or misused items.
3. Items under the following categories: Swimwear, Lingerie are not covered by the warranty.

Note: All returns must be authorized by the Hipumps Customer Service Team via the Support Center.

Returns Process
Please carefully follow our returns process to minimize any delays:
1. If your item is returnable (see above), please submit a ticket in our Support Center stating your:
• Order number
• SKU number or fullly product name
• Reason for return
• Photo of the item you received and photo of the Shipping label on the package (we need to check the information on it). Pls send picture to our Customer Service Email: 
2.Our customer service team will respond to your request within 24 hours and provide you with a Return Form along with our returns address.
3.Please return the item according to our instructions on the Return form and send us return proof in the form of the tracking number and a valid return receipt.
4. Once we have received the returned item(s), we will email you and arrange an exchange or a refund within 14 days.

Refund Times
After this, please note the refund times below:
For credit card refunds, please allow between 5-12 business days for the transaction to process.
For PayPal refunds, please allow up to 48 hours for the transaction to appear in your account.
For some debit and credit card refunds to original payment account cannot be made. In such cases, we will request customers to provide us with a PayPal account in their name to complete refunds. Thank you for your understanding.

Return Address
Please always Contact Us prior to returning the items by submitting a ticket to obtain an Return Form with the related returns address.

Return Shipping Costs
1. All shipping fees are at the customers expense. This includes shipping fees for a return or exchange. Shipping fees are non-refundable.
2. Please contact your local post office to confirm the actual return shipping fee. We recommend you use the cheapest registered airmail method that is available.